George has a short list of people who have tired him out….

Stray thoughts from the brain pan

            Every single person on this planet, now, then, and in the future, had/has/will have something that irritates the unholy hell out of them.

  • Jesus had his moneychangers; 
  • Abraham Lincoln had a string of incompetent generals; 
  • John Wilkes Booth had Lincoln;
  • Ike Eisenhower had Gen. George S. Patton; 
  • Patton became disgusted over perceived weakness of soldiers;
  • Rosa Parks hated sitting in the back of the bus when her feet hurt;
  • The U.S. colonists got piqued over taxation without representation, and;
  • I see red behind my eyes over incompetent, pulpit-pounding, blabber-headed politicians and talking hairdos who do and say anything to get a headline or a verbal salute on cable news.

      That is the poignant lead-in to this topic: People I want to just stop talking!

     Al Sharpton had been a go-to spokesman for the black community for decades. He’s gone from obese to ultra-thin but his inane habit of constantly dropping verbal bullets on most people who just happen to be white is so old, it’s moldy. 

      He lost his daily show on MSNBC because of his focused racism; he now has a weekend show that is a repeat of his thoughts and verbiage from the days he was dogging law enforcement for the 1980s case of the alleged rape of Tawana Brawley, a woman of color. In that instance, Sharpton created a riotous situation by believing a made-up story by an attention-wanting teenager.

      Ms. Brawley was black and said she had been raped for days by white men, who had scrawled racial slurs on her body, creating a made-for-Rev.-Al-in-the-spotlight moment.

      Of course, he wanted the men, one of whom had ben identified as a police officer, drawn and quartered, but when an investigation proved the charges were false, he conventiently forgot to apologize for being a pious fool.

      His black vs. white rhetoric has caused more harm over the years than it has helped. The fact he is still considered a spokesman to minorities is astounding, dismaying, and should be a clarion call that people of color need to get another, much better standard carrier.

     Michael Moore was, at one time, a reasoned voice for liberalism and a constant irritant to Big Business and shoddy government tactics. Now, he’s just a kook with an ancient resume and his I-was-at-one-time-a-celebrity platform. 

      His documentary films won awards, created needed changes in corporations, offered up plausible opportunities for perplexing problems. 

Now, he is a mere shadow of his former forceful presence; he mouths about darn near anything because of his prior celebrity status; he’s now like a toothless politician recalling imaginary heydays in the marbled halls of Washington-the-Deficit.

     Mike Johnson, speaker of the House, has too much power apparently from a genetic defect that allows him to believe his beliefs should count for more than that of a single citizen. He, like former speaker Mitch McConnell, effectively killed a bill to protect the 2024 elections from foreign interference. Why? When asked, he gave an answer that blew up the International BS-o-meter: The federal government should not interfere with states’ rights to protect their own elections is what he said.

      This is the same man that still backs up his savior’s (Trump) claim of a stolen 2020 election.

      In other words, “Russia, welcome to the election fray! Let’s party like it is 2016 and 2020.”

         Joe Biden does not get a full pass on his verbal faux pas. Although he has a speech impediment (he has been a life-long stutterer and it’s apparent when the malady is approaching, as he stops and squeezes his eyes tightly as he tries to pull up the word or phrase), his mentally embossed empathy for the plight of citizens and immigrants alike is apparent in virtually every action he takes. He is an old man and he makes verbal blunders; there is, however, no doubt his heart is in the right place and being a dictator is not on his listings of life goals.

            Finally, for Donald Trump and his band of mouthy miscreants and scary scalawags, it’s past time to realize that every time their mouths open, their tongues waggle in high gear and words slip unseen past their eyeteeth, negative things happen.

            Their combined blather has created more animosity toward the party they pretend to embrace, alienated countries that used to be our closest and most reliable allies, and widen the ideological abyss that divides this country. There is no way to justify their actions which are undermining the foundations of democracy; their errant, baffling and incomparable words are helping sworn enemies of this nation.

            Of course, Trump leads the Cult of Foolish People; they follow his lead. What he refuses to see, and what they refuse to acknowledge, is that every time Trump opens his mouth…the Republican Party suffers.

         All of you: Think before you speak. And, sometimes, whatever you were going to say…forget it. Please and thank you

         George Smith views the world from the back porch Bedspring Ridge, a dogtrot house he built in Sutton, Arkansas on old family land on a spot where his great-grandfather’s house once stood. There he lives and opines with his wife BobbieJean and a rescue dog, “Li’l Dawg.” A former newspaper reporter, editor and publisher, he has a master’s degree in business, is a retired director for a global technology company, has been a business owner, student of government and the behavior of politicians. He has been a college instructor, national motivational speaker, community development and festival development consultant and is a published author.

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