George is a poet and didn’t know it; or, he isn’t and doesn’t know it. At any rate, a different approach to commentary straight from Bedspring Ridge, Arkansas…..

New year: Trying something new

In writing more than 7,000 newspaper opinion columns in more than 50 years, this is the only one ever written in free-verse poetry form. It is not new…just timely.

Sometimes the words tumble out, and the scribe has little control over  the flow.

I know you remember,
I do too,
and today, in this new year,

 I can write
about the time when ignorance
seemed to be blissful
but actually,
looking back now,
 it was only ignorance.

You remember!
It was a time when we relied
on elected officials
to abide by the Do-Right Rule:
Do right by the citizens,
all of the citizens,
do right by the money 

taken from our paychecks
and billfolds and purses,
money we certainly could have
put to good use somewhere else, 
money we could have directed
to our homes,
our businesses,
our families,
money that we certainly missed.

I know you remember,
because I certainly do,
when the germ of an idea
hits us, that maybe
our public servants
weren’t as smart as we thought,
because we began noticing
that our roads were deteriorating,
our schools were not educating 
our children like in times past,
the nation, which once 

had a surplus,
was awash in debt with no
sign of relief in sight.

I remember,
as I am sure you do,
that there was a time when
we embraced diversity,
race relations were improving,
and we welcoming those who
wanted to share the dream,

our dream,
the dream of a better life,
the dream of being an American.

I know you remember

a time of compromise,

of mutual understanding,

when inner anger was shrouded

in a veil of common sense, 

logic, and empathy.

What happened to those halcyon days?
Where have they gone?
Where is our better nature, 
our belief in the Golden Rule,
the goodness of as nation’s spirit
and human nature that made us
world leaders and harbingers
of hope and peace and love?

When did the change occur?
You know,
The time when America
switched from being admired,
to being a sought-after dream
to being constantly demeaned,
defamed, hated, even?
When did we turn that corner?
And how do reverse the trend?

The change,
I am certain,
will only come when heroes
step up and call 

that which is stupid, “stupid,”
call out those who believe
 the so-called American “dream”
only exists for those
lucky enough to
have been born here,
or are of a certain color,

or are wealthy, 
or … whatever!
(Put your own reason here!)

I remember,
and I am sure you do, too,
the lessons taught at home
and from the pulpit
about the Good Samaritan.
Somehow, that lesson 
has gone out of style
(Where did it go?
Can we get it back?)
Now, it’s dog eat dog,
Red vs. Blue,
“them” vs. “other them.”
“ME” in capital letters
has replaced “us”
at a time when “us”
has never been more needed.

I know you remember,
and I do too,
how big our heroes used to be
(“Let me tell you, Pilgrim…!”)
and how small today’s
celebrities really are.

There was a time
(You do remember, don’t you?)
when we cast a vote
with pride and a smile;
now, if the polls are correct,
a majority grimace at the
mere thought of voting,
if we bother to vote at all.

I hope I am around,
and I hope you are, too,
when we can look back
and remember when we
all joined hands

and promised
to live by the Do-Right Rule,
 and then pledge allegiance
to the flag…
and mean every word of it!

What am I trying to say?
What I am trying to say
in these thoughts?

Nothing is ever lost.
We can each carry our thoughts
from the familial table
out into the brilliant night.
We all can make a difference.
 I know you remember how.

And I do, too!

            George Smith views the world from the back porch Bedspring Ridge, a dogtrot house he built in Sutton, Arkansas on old family land on a spot where his great-grandfather’s house once stood. There he lives and opines with his wife BobbieJean and a rescue dog, “Li’l Dawg.” A former newspaper reporter, editor and publisher, he has a master’s degree in business, is a retired director for a global technology company, has been a business owner, student of government and the behavior of politicians. He has been a college instructor, national motivational speaker, community development and festival development consultant and is a published author.

One Reply to “George is a poet and didn’t know it; or, he isn’t and doesn’t know it. At any rate, a different approach to commentary straight from Bedspring Ridge, Arkansas…..”

  1. We don’t even need heroes… just good decent people who are willing to look beyond themselves, to listen to the other side, to do what’s right when it’s not easy.

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